Calum Ross

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Reading Groups

At various points during my PhD and afterwards, I have been both an organiser and a participant in reading groups on a variety of topics. For several of these reading groups I maintained a webpage with a record of what was discussed and ocassionally a set of notes.

January 2017 - September 2017: I organised a reading group on String Theory and D-Branes following Richard J. Szabo. An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics (With Problems and Solutions). ICP, 2 edition, 2011. Notes from this reading group are included in the notes section below.

October 2017 - January 2018: I participated in a reading group renormalisation and effective field theories following the book by Costello. Following this reading group we decided to start a short seminar series, the details of which are here.

October 2018 - March 2019: I organised a reading group on Statistical Field Theory following David Tongs Lecture notes .

The reading group moved online in 2020 and I started to participate again.

October 2020 - April 2021: I organised a reading group on Yang-Mills Equations over Riemann Surfaces following the seminal paper by Atiyah and Bott. A partial webpage for this reading group is available here.

June 2022-July 2022: I was involved in a reading group on Nahm's equations and hyperkähler quotient constructions. A partial webpage is available here.

October 2022- March 2023: I am involved in a reading group about Instantons on gravitational instantions following the paper by Kronheimer and Nakajima. A rough webpage for the reading group is available here.


Here are a selection of notes that I made to remind myself about interesting topics that I started reading about. N.B some of the links might be dead as I have migrated files from my Heriot Watt webpage.